The Effects of the Addition of Aluminum to Cast iron
김수영 , 박윤우 Soo Young Kim , Yoon Woo Park
The effects of aluminum on the strength of cast iron has been investigated with the variation of the amount of aluminum added and of the degree of carbon saturation. All the specimens with various compositions were prepared on a laboratory scale from the original raw materials. It was found that addition of aluminum, about 0.7%, to the ordinary cast iron showed the most strong influence on the tensile strength of this material giving a value of 33㎏/㎟ at the degree of carbon saturation of 0.85, which is about 15% higher value than the tensile strength for those not containing aluminum at all. The tendency of such increase was more distinct in the hypoeutectic composition range. On the contrary, in case with the spheroidal graphite cast iron the tensile strength was decreased with the addition of aluminum. Microscopic examination and EPMA revealed that the type of graphite effected by the addition of aluminum was the major to make the above results come out.