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Vol.17, No.4, 306 ~ 312, 1979
On the Green Properties of Molding Sand depending upon the Content of Moisture of the Domestic natural clay Bonded Sands
최창옥 Chang Ock Choi
Three kinds of domestic natural clay bonded sands-Wolsung, Donghae, and Euchang-have been studied the green properties of molding sand on the moisture content. It has been found that the sand with high clay contains 7,0% temper moisture and 7±1% temper moisture ranges and the sand with low clay contains 4.5% temper moisture and 4.5±0.5% the range. S.S.I, moldability index, compactability and shatte index could be used for temper moisture in molding sand. Green compressive strength, permeability, moldability index, S.S.I. compactability and shatte index of natural clay bonded sand are changed by moisture content.
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