
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.17, No.2, 116 ~ 121, 1979
Numerical solutions of the Thermal Diffusion of Hydrogen in Zircaloy - 2
이재영 , R . G . rosehart Jai Young Lee , R . G . Rosehart
We have numerically calculated the hydrogen distribution in Zircaloy-2 in one dimensional and two dimensional systems for α-Zircaloy-2 and linear temperature gradients by using continuous system modeling program (CSMP) in IBM 360/50 computer. When the hydrogen concentration is below terminal solubility only α phase is present. Redistribution of hydrogen are described in terms of temperature and distance. For higher concentration, both α and δ phases are present. The calculation is extended for two phase region in one dimensional system. Where applicable, our results are compared with previous work.
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