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Vol.17, No.1, 23 ~ 33, 1979
A Study on Preferred Orientation and Mechanical properties of Sand - Cast Mg - 9wt.% Al - Zn Alloys
김희중 , 염국선 , 천성순 H . J . Kim , K . S. Yeum , Soung S . Chun
The effect of heat treatment on preferred orientation and mechanical properties has been investigated for sand-cast Mg-9wt%Al-Zn alloys. By solution heat treatment <0001> preferred orientation is increased at the heat flow direction with decreasing <1010> and <1120> orientations. The strength is increased with increasing the Zn content and double aged specimens has higher strength than single aged specimens. The microstructure reveal that mechanical properties depend on continuous precipitates within grains as well as discontinuous precipitates along grain boundaries, and growth kinetics for both of the precipitates is independent to each other.
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