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Vol.16, No.5, 405 ~ 420, 1978
Elastic Strains and Strain Energies of Precipitates
이종길Jong K . Lee, William C . JohnsonWilliam C . Johnson, 엄윤용Youn Y . Earmme
The elastic strains and strain energies associated with precipitates are reviewed. Since the classical works of Eshelby were published almost two decades ago. there has been a rapid progress in understanding this interesting problem, especially in the anisotropic case. The elastic strain energy of inhomogenous ellipsoidal precipitates in anisotropic crystalline solids is discussed with some representative numerical results. The nature of the elastic strains associated with a non-ellipsoidal precipitate such as a cuboid is also described. The elastic interaction energy of two spherical precipitates in an anisotropic matrix is discussed in connection with some experimental observations of precipitate alignments. Finally, some of the results are applied to the homogeneous nucleation theory and plastic relaxation of the transformation stress is also briefly discussed.
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