The Magnetic Field Dependence of the Magnetic Domain in the Monocrystalline YFeO3
김종오 C . O . Kim
The magnetic field dependence of the magnetic domain and domain wall in the transparent monocrystalline YFeO₃(60㎛) have been studied using the magneto-optic Faraday effect. The domain pattern consists of stripe domain and bubble domain. The width of the domain and domain wall are measured as dependent on the applied magnetic field parallel to the C-axis. Domain patterns have been photographed by means of Faraday effect utilizing the xenon lamp. The width of the domain wall is calculated by measuring the change of the Faraday rotation in the near domain wall. The magnetic field dependence of the stripe domain and bubble domain are good explained by the equation of the minimizing the total energy. The width of the domain wall of the stripe domain and bubble domain are the same and independent on the applied magnetic field.