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Vol.15, No.1, 30 ~ 37, 1977
Effects of Al on the Hardness and Wear Resistance of the Electroboronized Surface
김낙준N . J . Kim, 한봉희B . H . Hahn, 권인배I . B . Kwon
The effect of Al in molten borax on the electroboronizing and on the wear resistance has been studied. Wear test using the lubricant was made as a function of frictional rate and frictional distance. The boronized depth and microhardness were increased with increasing Al content, electrolysis time and electrolysis temperature. The molten electrolyte of 10-30g Al/200g Na₂B₄O_7 was considered as the optimum composition for wear resistance, and when the eletrolysis time was 4hr and electrolysis temperature was 800℃, the best result of wear resistance was obtained. The wear resistance was raised in case of tempering the pre-quenched specimen at 250℃ for 2hrs. The high temperature wear test showed that at elevated temperature the wear volume of boronized specimen was decreased than at room temperature.
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