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Vol.14, No.1, 31 ~ 40, 1976
On the Remelting of specialty Steels by the electroslag Remelting Process
최주 , 신명철 , 문만 , 김창용 , 이선홍 , 최형섭 Ju Choi , Myung Chul Shin , Man Mun , Chang Ryong Kim , Sun Hong Lee , Hyung Sup Choi
The study has been carried out on the electroslag remelting process(ESR) for the production of the high quality specialty steel. We constructed the ESR furnace of capacity 20 ㎏ ingot. Employing the furnace, several kinds of specialty steels such as S 45 C, SCM 5 and SUP 9 were remelted under different conditions for obtaining fundamental data. The results are; 1) The melting speed is proportional to the fill ratio, whereas the specific power consumption is inversely to it. 2) Nearly 80% of the sulphur content can be removed from the original electrode through the process. 3) The process is very efficient in removing non-metallic inclusions such as oxides as well as sulphides. 4) The slag in which calcium oxide being partly substituted for the slag of fluorspar and alumina is more effective in removing non-metallic inclusions. 5) The remelted ingot has sound homogeneous structure, exhibiting the improvement in ductility.
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