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Vol.13, No.2, 126 ~ 133, 1975
A Study of the roasting mechanism of synethetic chalcocite ( Cu2S )
윤병하Byung Ha, 조통래Yoon, Tong Rai, Cho
Roasting mechanism of synthetic chalcocite (Cu_(1.96)S) was studied by means of D. T. A, under the conditions of the flow rate of air, 150cc/min, and the rate of temperature increment, 3℃/min. The reaction mechanisms of the exathermic and endothermic reactions in the range from 330℃ to 780℃ may be given as the followings: ① at 330℃: Exo. reaction(1st peak) 5Cu_(1.96)S+1/5O₂→Cu_9S_5+2/5Cu₂O ② at 390℃: Exo. reaction(2nd peak) Cu₂S+3/2O₂→Cu₃O+SO₂ ③ at 470℃: Endo. reaction(3rd peak) 3Cu₂S+6CuSO₄→6Cu₂O+9SO₂ ④ at 490℃: Exo. reaction(4th peak) Cu_9S_5+29/4O₂→9/2Cu₂O+5SO₂ ⑤ at 650℃: Exo. reaction(5th peak) Cu₂O+SO₂+O₂→CuO, CuSO₄ ⑥ at 750℃: Endo. reaction(6th peak) CuSO₄→Cuo, CuSO₄+SO₃ ⑦ at 780℃: Endo. reaction(7th peak) CuO, CuSO₄→2CuO+SO₃
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