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Vol.12, No.3, 231 ~ 243, 1974
The Study of High Manganese heat Resisting Steel , Part 1
최형섭Hyung Sup Choi, 최주Ju Choi, 신명철Myung Chul Shin
The principal objective of this investigation was to examine precipitated phases during aging sequence and mechanical properties of high manganese heat resisting steels in which manganese was completely substituted for nickel. The influence of alloying elements on the aging hardenability, elevated temperature tensile strength, oxidation resistance and forgeability was investigated by adding elements such as niobium, molybdenum, tungsten, and boron to the steels containing various amounts of manganese and chromium and high content of nitrogen. It was found that the major hardening phase was M_(23)C_6 particles. The other phases identified were Nb(C, N), Cr₂N and σ phase.
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