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Vol.12, No.1, 21 ~ 27, 1974
The heat Balance of the Cupola using Anthracite
강춘식 C . S . Kang
Anthracite has been used as fuel for melting cast iron in the foundry plant because of difficulty of earning good foundry cokes. In this paper, the heat balance of the cupola was calculated with the practical operation data (running time 60.5hrs.) using anthracite in the cupola. The results were compared with the heat balance of the cupola using mixed fuel (anthracite and cokes). And comparisons were made as follow: 1) With approximately same blast temperature, the heat supply by the hot blast to the cupola was 6.35% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel supplied 11.50%. 2) Percent of heat content of the melt had 15.22% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel had 15.86%. 3) Decomposition heat loss by the limestone had 1.68% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel had 2.68%. 4) Heat content in the refractory lining, heat emission, slag formation heat and others had 34.49% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel had 33.53%. 5) Combustion heat value by the CO gas had 39.63% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel had 35.41%. 6) Heat loss percentage by slagging had 3.03% in case of anthracite while mixed fuel had 4.23%.
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