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Vol.12, No.1, 15 ~ 21, 1974
Effects of Refining Treatment of Primary Silicon on the Strength of Hyper - eutectic Al - Si Alloy
김수영Soo Young Kim, 권혁무Hyuk Moo Kwon, 장충근Choong Kun Chang
Effects of the refinement of primary silicon on the hardness and the tensile strength of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy are investigated in this study. Especially the relationship between the refinement and Ni, Cu, Mg elements, which are used usually in the alloy, and effects of heat-treatments, have been studied. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The refinement of primary silicon can not increase the hardness of the alloy, but decreases it. 2) The refinement of primary silicon increases the tensile strength at any case.
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