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Vol.11, No.2, 172 ~ 177, 1973
A Study of Electrodeposition for Pb - Cu Alloy System by the Control of Anodic Dissolution
박광훈Gwang H . Bahk, 강탁Tak Kang, 조종수Jong S . Cho
Lead fluoborate solution was mainly used as an electrolyte solution. Pb and Cu anodes connected separately as a complex anode. Then, by the control of its dissolution in the electrolyte the constant amounts of metallic ions in the electrolyte were maintained during Pb-Cu alloy deposition on the cathode, so that homogeneous layer of deposition and constant metallic contents of the deposition could be obtained. In this study, the metallic contents in the deposition layer was compared to the metallic ion contents in the electrolyte. The dissolution amounts of anodes could be controlled by the adjusting the electric resistance of anodes, then, the amounts of dissolution and deposition were compared. Finally, the structure of deposition layer was studied by metallographic and X-ray techniques. The dissolution amounts of anodes should be easily controlled by the controlling of electric resistance of anodes which are connected each other. When the deposition amount of copper was not the same amount of dissolution from copper anode, the amount of copper ion in electrolyte can be changed until the amount of deposition and dissolution are both the same. Therefore, the desirable metallic contents of deposition could be obtained by the control of dissolution of anodes. Copper could be deposited in the lattice of lead while copper content in deposition layer is small enough, but an indefinite phase could be formed when copper content in the deposition layer is in excess.
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