
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.11, No.2, 153 ~ 158, 1973
Effects of SiC on Mechanical Properties of a WC - 6% Co Cemented Alloy
최형섭 , 윤용구 , 은광용 , 박원구 Hyung Sup Choi , Young Ku Yoon , Kwang Yong Eun , Won Koo Park
Effects of addition of SiC to a WC-6%Co alloy on mechanical properties of the cemented alloy were investigated. The addition of SiC was made to the cemented alloy as a solid solution of WC-SiC. The cemented alloy containing less than 1% SiC showed good densification, and the transverse rupture strength of the alloy was increased considerably at the SiC content of 0.5% whereas the hardness of the alloy was decreased slightly. It is believed that the addition of SiC inhibited decarburization of WC which always occurs during the sintering process and contributed to the strengthening of the cemented alloy.
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