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Vol.11, No.1, 39 ~ 46, 1973
A Study on the Manufacture of Copper - Phoshorus Master Alloy - Phosphidation reactions for Cu3P at moderately low temperatures -
김연식 Yeun Shik Kim
In this paper are described reactions pertaining to the formation of tri-copper phosphide (Cu₃P) at moderately low temperatures in order to provide informations for the manufacture of suitable copper-phosphorus master alloy without fusion. Primary investigation of heated briquettes of a mixture of copper and red phosphorus revealed that all the products obtained at various temperatures (300∼800℃) had been comprised of no other phosphides than Cu₃P. The rate of phosphidation of copper exposed to phosphorus vapor under various pressures up to 1 atm. have been determined in the similar temperature range. The rate of reaction increased with rising temperature and with increasing pressure of the phosphorus vapor. In general the phosphidation proceeded nearly according to a parabolic rate law. The depth of reaction reached ∼0.5 ㎜ when solid copper at 730℃ was exposed to phosphorus vapor (1 atm.) for an hour. The product formed was a dense layer of Cu₃P, and there appeared not be present appreciably any other form of phosphides.
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