
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.10, No.3, 214 ~ 220, 1972
Electro - refining of Lead
이원해 , 유용주 , 오재현 Won Hae Lee , Yong Zoo You , Jae Hyun Oh
The electrorefining of crude lead was studied in a lead perchlorate-perchloric acid electrolyte. Curves of cathodic and anodic polarization of lead showed that with increasing in lead concentration the polarization of both electrodes decreased considerably. Even at high current density of 3A/d㎡ Ag, Cu, Bi and Sb were removed from lead as slime. In the presence of small amount of gelatine smooth and uniform thick cathode deposits were obtained. Current efficiency was 99.5∼99.9%.
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