
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.10, No.3, 190 ~ 195, 1972
Effect of pressure during solidification on the structure & tensile strength in Zn - Al alloy
이종남J . N . Lee, 한봉희B . H . Hahn, 염희택H . T . Yeom
In order to study the effect of pressure during the solidification on the structure and tensile strength, Zn-22% Al alloy was subjected to pressure as high as 250∼1000 ㎏/㎠ during solidification, and poured into cylindrical steel mould from crucible electric furnace. The application of pressure during solidification has been shown to induce a number of important modification to the gravity cast structure. Chief among these were as follows. 1. Suppression of piping 2. Elimination of pores. 3. Columnar crystal change to equiaxed crystal by increasing the applied pressure. 4. Refining of grain size and markedly improving of tensile strength
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