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Vol.10, No.3, 182 ~ 190, 1972
Study on the Eutectic Solidification in Hypo - Eutectic Gray Iron
나형용 Hyong Yong Ra
The eutectic structure of gray iron is determined by the manner in which solidification takes place through the eutectic temperature and by the status of iron melts which depends not only on the composition, metallographic structure of cast irons but their melting conditions. The main purpose of the present investigation was to study the effects of metallographic structures and the melting conditions of cast iron on solidification at a given composition and results obtained are as follows : 1) The higher temperature and the longer holding time were applied in melting of iron, the lower eutectic temperature were observed. 2) The white iron remelted at high temperature gave rise to the more degree of supercooling, compared with the gray iron with the same composition and in the same cooling rate. 3) Differences in melting of the flake graphite in gray iron and of the temper-carbon decomposed from white iron have been discussed.
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