
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.7, No.3, 175 ~ 181, 1969
A Study on the Smelting for Pyrrhotite
최호영 H . Y . Choi
Result of the tests led to the following Conclusions: 1. The Optimum Size was-35 mesh in electromagnetic separation of pyrrhotite ore but the undersize of 230 mesh must be removed by classifier before separation. 2. The Optimum size was-140 mesh in roasting of the ore. 3. The optimum temperature at-140 mesh are in roasting of pyrrhotite ore ranges from 600℃ to 700℃. 4. The optimum retaining time of the ore in roaster at-140 mesh ore was 40 minutes. 5. SO₂and O₂volume percentage in the gas would be from roaster 6% to 7% and 7% respectively. 6. The cinder will be able to use in the iron making by sintering.
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