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Vol.6, No.4, 227 ~ 234, 1969
Effect of Plastic Deformation on Activation Energy of Recovery in Pure Aluminum
황성현Sung Hyun Whang, 이병휘Byong While Lee, 김동훈Dong Hoon Kim
The effect of plastic deformation on the activation energy of recovery and recrystalization temperature of 99.9% purity polycrystalline Aluminum was investigated. The 10%, 20% and 29% cold compressed aluminum specimen were prepared from 4.75 ㎜ diameter cold drawn rod. From the hardness data obtained by isochronal annealing of one hour between the temperature range of 240℃-330℃ under hydrogen atmosphere, the recrystallization temperatures for 10% and 29% cold compressed were measured to be 304℃ and 285℃ respectively. On the other hand, from the hardness data obtained by isothermal annealing at the temperature range of 290℃-330℃, the activation energy of recovery for 10%, 20% and 29% cold compressed were deduced as 29,600, 25,200 and 22,500 ㎈/㏖ respectively. The activation energy of recovery can be expressible in linear equation in terms of the stored energy of plastic deformation.
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