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Vol.6, No.4, 213 ~ 227, 1969
A Study of Mechanical Properties and Solidification Mechanism of Gray Cast Iron
유수안 , Carl R . Loper , Jr . S . A . Yew
Developing method of sample treatment for proeutectic dendrites, study a relationship between proeutectic dendrites, eutectic cell structures, eutectic structures, graphite structures and mechanical properties of gray cast iron. Hightly oriented and compact proeutectic dendrites with well developed eutectic structures have higher mechanical properties than random dendrites with underdeveloped eutectic structures. Proeutectic dendrite structures be classified according to the solidification mechanism, as Type I, II, and III. Type I dendrites associate well developed eutectic structures due to enough chance to develope during the solidification. Type II dendrites associate underdeveloped eutectic structures due to suppression of the solidification reaction. Type III dendrites associate underdeveloped eutectic structures due to lack of chance to develope at higher temperature solidification. Graphite structures of gray cast iron have proposed to be classified as developed, underdeveloped and kish graphite.
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