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Vol.6, No.3, 167 ~ 174, 1968
The Use of Analog Materialsf For Metal Forming Researea And Estimating forming Load
장경택 Kyung Taik Chang
This paper describes the analog application for the study of metalworking parameters, such as friction, redundant deformation, material flow direction and tool geometry. Also the various metalworking processes adaptable to the analog technique have been reviewed. Since the exact theoretical analysis of practical forming operation is most difficult, along with analog applications for the process parameter study, this paper describes analytically how the forming load can be estimated by the analog technique. The equations for the application of the strain rate dependent materials and the strain hardening materials mere obtained. A powerful tool in metalforming research and development is the use of analog technique by which the study of various metalworking processes and their porameters possible with reasonable expenditure. Also it appears that the forming loads for steady state processes can be determined from the analog technique. The analog study provides a means of determining the average strain rate for strain rate dependent materials and the average strain for strain hardening materials.
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