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Vol.6, No.2, 91 ~ 98, 1968
Study of Guide Rollers for a Rotary Piercing Mill
장경택 Kyung T . Chang
Rotary piercing consists of the formation of a hollow by peripherally rolling a cylindrical hot billet over a conical piercer point by driven reducing roll cones set askew to the longitudinal center line of the mill assembly. The outside diameter of the resultant hollow is controlled by grooved disk or stationary guide. This investigation was to analyze piercing conditions using guide rollers in place of disk and stationary guides presently equipped with the piercing mill. As a result of this investigation, it is concluded that new guide rollers enable to provide a smooth outside surface and an easy control of the pierced hollow diameter. Also the guide rollers eliminate frictional forces which exist between the billet and presently used disk and stationary guides. Consequently, the guide rollers perform their function of controlling the diameter of hollow product formed by piercing the billet with a minimum of wear and product surface roughening. This investigation was originally conducted with a model rotary piercing mill using analog billet and the analysis of this study was verified with the model mill.
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