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Vol.6, No.1, 31 ~ 41, 1968
An Investigation of Analog Materials for the Study of Deformations in metal Processing simulations
장경택 K . T . Chang
Mary materials were surveyed with the hope of finding a material which could be used in room temperature simulations of forming processes on hot steel-Particularly the process of the totary piercing of tubes. By comparing the results of simulations on a model mill with the results of an actual production process, it was found that a composition of 81.0 percent (by weight) Plasticine clay, 16.2 percent kaolin, and 2.8 percent paraffin proved to be an excellent, if not optimum, analog material when used at 55 deg F. As a results of strength data collected in this investigation it is expected that this composition-temperature combination might also be used for the simulation of the plastic deformation of steel at room temperature.
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