Application of Oxygen to Basic Open Hearth Furnace
안승일 , 김태현 Sung Il Ahn , Tai Hyun Kim
It is widely believed that application of tonnage oxygen in steel making process results in increased production capacity, decreased fuel consumption, and superior steel quality. Based on the practical operation data of the utilization of oxygen in an open-hearth furnace, this paper summarizes some effective results and problems on the particularities of the process. At the oxygen consumption of 25∼30㎥ per ton steel, about 25 percent of refining time was shortened and 35 per cent of increased steel production per hour could be expected. Inevitable corrosion of the furnace lining could remarkably be decreased with the change of main roof and using cooling jacket in the front and back wall. Annual steel production has been increased about 23 percent and also production cost decreased.