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Vol.5, No.4, 121 ~ 124, 1968
Chlorination of Phosphate
김수식 , 주목호우위문 , 좌백웅조 Soo Sik Kim , K . Funaki & . Y . Saeki
There has been no fixed opinion on the behavior of phosphate in chlorination of monazite. To obtain fundamental information on the behavior of phosphate in chlorination of monazite, thermodynamic considerations on chlorination of calcium phosphate were made, and phosphoric chlorides obtained by chlorination of the phosphate under various conditions were examined using a mass spectrometer. The results showed that phosphorous oxychloride was formed at 500˚, 600˚and 700℃, and both phosphorous oxychloride and phosphorous trichloride were formed at 800˚and 900℃. It is concluded from the results mentioned above that, in chlorination of monazite, phosphorous oxychloride is formed at low temperatures, and both phosphorous oxychloride and phosphorous trichloride are formed at high temperatures.
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