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Vol.5, No.3, 93 ~ 107, 1967
Study on Quality Improvement of Forged Steel Ball
김학신 , 양훈영 Hak Sin Kim , Huhn Yung Young
Forged alloy steel balls and cast chilled balls, which are widely used to crush ore, coal and cement clinker, are indispensably required excellent wearing-resistant and impact-resistant properties in order to increase crushing ratio. The forged alloy steel balls manufactured by Han Kuk Machine Industrial Company are time-water quenched by bucket conveyor, and self-tempered in drum can. In accordance with general making process, especially heat treatment of steel ball, the author attempted, in this paper, the experimental and theoretical research on the hardness slope and hardness distribution of steel balls. It was obserbed that proper chemical composition, hardness slope and micro structure of steel balls are desirable to bear wearing and cracking.
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