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Vol.5, No.2, 56 ~ 66, 1967
Effect of Plastic Deformation and Preferred Orientation on the Surface Phenomena of High Purity Aluminum
이병휘 , 박동실 B . W . Lee , D . S . Park
High purity aluminum (99.99%) rods were cold compressed with the increment of approximately 10% of cold working from O to 70%. The transverse cross section of drawn direction was mechanically polished and further electrochemically polished. Liquid contact angles on these surfaces were measured optically by Sessile Drop Method. Water, Glycerin, Glycol were used. The effect of chemical washing solutions on contact angle values was studied. Liquid contact angle was a function of degree of cold working and, in turn, the degree of preferred orientation. Laue back reflection patterns were taken on these specimens in order to check the state of deformation for the different degrees of cold working.
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