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Vol.4, No.4, 104 ~ 110, 1966
Fritting Characteristics of Zircon Sand at Low NaOH to ZrSiO4 Ratio
Hyung Sup Choi, E . O . Lilge
The fritting characteristics of Korean zircon sand in the caustic treatment have been studied as a function of caustic-to-zircon sand ratio, fritting temperature, fritting time and particle size of ore. For a caustic-to-zircon sand weight ratio of 1.2 to 1.4, a furnace temperature of 1000℉ to 1100℉ and 15∼60 minutes of fritting time, it was found that 80∼95% of zircon sand converted to acid-soluble sodium zirconates, The rate of fritting reaction for the low caustic-to-zircon sand ratio depends on the particle size and uniformity. When the caustic-to-zircon sand ratio is lower than 1.2, the coarse and uniform sand reacts more efficiently in a shorter fritting time than the finer or nonuniform sand. The low caustic-to-zircon sand ratios and the short fritting time have proved adequate for converting the sand to a granular product which can be conveniently leached and treated for the recovery of zirconium.
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