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Vol.3, No.2, 61 ~ 67, 1965
Electrolytic Refining of Crude Bismuth in Fluosilicate and Chloride Baths
김재원J . W . Kim, 여운관W . K . Ryu, 박영시Y . S . Park
Crude bismuth from a smelter was electrolyzed in fluosilicate and chloride baths in order to assure 99.99% purity. Both processes can be utilized for commercial application with adherent cathode deposit and almost theoretical current efficiency for this purpose, with the exception of the problem of separation of silver, for which the fluosilicate bath was, preferable. With high grade of anode bismuth, high purity cathode deposits was obtained in addition to which, the electrolysis can be carried out free of operational troubles with longer life of electrolyte. The effect of addition agents, e.g. glue, was observed favorably in fluosilicate bath, but not in chloride solution. The typical operating data are summerized as follows;
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