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Vol.3, No.2, 50 ~ 61, 1965
Fundamental Research on Domestic Iron ore ( Part 3 ) - Reduction Equation and Reduciblity Index -
윤동석 , 조정완 Tong Suk Yun , C . W . Cho
In a stationary reducing atmosphere, H₂or CO, fifteen Korean iron ores were reduced at the temperatures ranging from 500℃ to 1050℃ to find out the effect of temperature on the reduction degree of iron ores. Generally an initial reduction rate is accelerated at the higher temperature. Most of the Korean magnetite, however, reach to the critical reduction degree at the range between 650℃ and 900℃. Temperature, on the other hand, has a minor effect on the critical reduction degree of hematite and siderite. It is found that reduction rate of H₂gas is 3∼4 times higher than that of CO at the magnetite reduction, and that initial reduction rate is reciprocal to the size of ore. Two types of reduction equation are available in accordance with the degree of reduction rate. At higher reduction rate, namely at an initial stage of reduction, for example. and at lower reduction rate, As a result of this investigation, the following formula is presented for the representation of reducibility in terms of "reducibility index."
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