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Vol.2, No.3, 120 ~ 136, 1964
Study on the Microstructures and Impact Properties of the Nodular Cast Iron
염영하 Yung Ha Yum
Generally cast iron is so brittle that it does rot serve for the dynamic structures. Nodular cast iron, however, has good ductility, and it is getting more use in dynamic engineering applications. As the conventional notched specimen were inadequate for Charpy and Izod test on cast iron due to their extreme low impact value, the specimen bars used in this experiment were unotched. In order to compare the difference between static and impact properties, tests were carried out in both simple beam and cantilever. Various cast iron were casted and examined, for the microstructures as well as mechanical properties. Impact loads were measured withdy namometer by the electric resistance wire strain gage attached. Through the careful analysis of the data obtained in this experiment, it was concluded that both nodular and malleable cast iron had fairly good adaptability to the dynamic structures.
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