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Vol.2, No.3, 113 ~ 120, 1964
Surface Properties of coal in the Aqueous Suspensions ( Report 1) Application to the Recovery of anthracite Slime and Clarification of Mine Water -
최형섭Hyung Sup Choi, 김연식Yeun Shik Kim
Some surface properties of carbon black and anthracite coal were studied by the measurement of electrophoretic mobilities. The electrical charge of carbon particles in the aqueous suspension is strongly influencd by hydrogen ion concentration. The isoelectric point of carbon occurs at pH 3.8. The carbon surface is positively charged at pH values lower than 3.8 and is negatively charged at higher pH values. The experimental results showed that there was no distinctive difference in the interfacial electrical behavior between carbon and anthracite coal in the aqueous suspension. The effect of multivalent ions to the electrokinetic properties of carbon was also studied. In order to recover the anthracite slimes produced in the coal washing and clarify mine water, the proper flocculants and their optimum addition levels were investigated. The above results were correlated with the surface properties obtained.
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