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Vol.2, No.2, 57 ~ 63, 1964
A Study on Bismuth Fire Metallurgy ( Part 1 ) - On the applications of fluo - solid roaster and multiple hearth furnace -
고창식 , 황용길 Chang Shik , Koh , Y . K . Whang
The characteristics of the roasting of the concentrates and tailings which were produced from molybdenite flotation with bismuthinite semi-concentrate, were studied. This bismuthinite semi-concentrate (Bi 20.5%, MoS₂13%) has been produced as a by-product scheelite flotation at the Sang-Dong Mine, K.T.M.C. It was found that the multiple hearth furnace is useful to roast more than 15 per cent of molybdenite and fluo-solid roaster less than 15 per cent. The results which were obtained through the fluo-solid roasting are as following. 1) Sulphure was contained more than 3 per cent in the ore which was roasted below 600 degrees (℃). 2) De-sulphurization rate was about 55 per cent.
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