
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.1, No.4, 193 ~ 198, 1963
황기엽 Ki Yup , Whang
The differenetial flotation test was carried out to the ore from Jeh-Sam-Uk mine which composed of mainly copper, lead, zinc, and iron sulfides and fluorite. The best results were obtained when copper and lead sulfides were floated prior to iron sulfide and fluorite being recovered in the scavenging. Flotation collectors used in the tests were xanthates for sulfides and oleic acid for fluorite collection. At a reasonable point of concentration, the grade of concentrates were 60.1% Pb of lead concentrate, 12.1% Cu of copper concentrate and 97.91% CaF₂of fluorite concentrate with recoveries of more than 80% in the lead and fluorite concentrates.
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