
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.1, No.2, 104 ~ 111, 1963
Slack coal has generally less value of utilization compared to lump coal. Although Korean anthracite is produced mostly in powder form, still about 30% could be recovered as small sizes, which are presently misused as power coal but could be far more profitably utilized as stoker fuel. The demand for synthesis gas material at the fertilizer plants is also growing thus necessitating the utilization of Korean anthracite small sizes. A test has been made to observe how Korean anthracite small sizes would burn in a small hand fired furnace in order to obtain combustion data for further trial in retort type stoker. General combustion characteristics are excellent, indicating favorable prospect as industrial fuel such as on chain grate stokers, retort stokers, and gas producers.
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